Experience the past, present, and future of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation

Watch and listen for Spilyáy, the magical Coyote of Legend-Time, in the major galleries: We Were, We Are and We Will Be. In the SEASONAL ROUND, the Natítayt (the people) follow the pre-contact lifestyle of subsistence in the abundant natural world, reflecting its balance and order. Ambient sounds take you to another time. You will hear horses rumbling across the grassy plateau, storytellers in the winter lodge, the bell and worshipers in the church. You will hear a recreation of the 1855 Treaty Council of Walla Walla in the tribal language. Audio, artistry and historic images, rare and beautiful artifacts create a broad sensory experience depicting our Tribal world.
Museum visitors exploring
Baseball jersey
Our Tribes are alive and prospering today. Tribal people have survived
and thrive in the contemporary world. WE ARE features our resilient people
as soldiers and warriors,players in government and the regional economy,
leaders in salmon recovery success, balancing the modern with traditions,
and still abiding by the Law of the Salmon.
Achievements, aspirations, and concerns of the tribal community
are voiced in WE WILL BE Cháwna mun na’ámta–We will never fade.
We will be exhibit